Refugee Maternal & Newborn Care Program in Turkiye

RGW’s maternal & newborn care initiative, specifically launched to address the unique challenges faced by displaced families, has profoundly improved the lives of over 4,000 mothers and their babies from pregnancy through childbirth and beyond.

Home Visits: Trained professionals regularly visit homes to monitor the health conditions of mothers and newborns, ensuring timely medical interventions when necessary. These visits are central to our hands-on care strategy.

Educational Workshops and Materials: Educational Workshops and Materials: We conduct workshops in multiple languages covering prenatal care, nutrition, infant care, and maternal health, alongside sexual reproductive education, contraception options, and the importance of family planning.

Each session is supported by printed teaching materials and illustrations, simplifying complex health concepts and making them easily accessible regardless of the mothers' educational backgrounds.

Mental Health Support: We strongly emphasize mental well-being by providing counselling and support groups. These initiatives help mothers manage the stresses of displacement and the emotional challenges of motherhood, including tackling postpartum depression.

Maternity Kits: RGW offers maternity kits with vital health and care items for mothers and newborns, including vitamins, hygiene products, baby blankets, diapers, formula, and other essentials. These resources alleviate the financial burden on families, allowing mothers to focus on their recovery and the care of their newborns during critical early stages.

Community Building: Our program goes beyond healthcare by fostering a sense of community among mothers. Through support groups and the integration of community workers from within the refugee populations, we promote culturally sensitive communication and trust, ensuring everyone feels valued and included.

Transportation and Nutritional Support: We provide transportation and meals to families attending our seminars, removing barriers to participation and access to our services.

Through these multifaceted efforts, RGW establishes a supportive community network for refugee families to begin a healthier life in their new environment.

Contribute to the RGW Maternal & Newborn Care Program


One-Time or Monthly

Your donation paves the way for healthy futures for displaced mothers and newborns.

Gift a Maternity Kit to a Displaced Mother & Baby


Per Kit

Each kit provides vital health and care items for displaced mothers and newborns, such as vitamins, hygiene products, baby blankets, diapers, formula, and other essentials.