RGW Educational Initiatives

In a world where conflict and persecution are rampant, countless children are displaced. Among them, 17M refugee girls of school age experience the harsh reality of being denied access to education.

Girls in vulnerable communities face a greater risk of child marriage, gender-based violence, trafficking, child labour, and various forms of exploitation. These risks stem from displacement, economic insecurity, and lack of education. RGW is committed to changing this dire narrative.

We have launched several initiatives to address these challenges: building schools, offering scholarships, and providing school supplies. Through mentorship and guidance, we strive to assist these young girls in building resilience and shaping their futures.

Statistics Source: UNICEF; UN Refugee Agency.

RGW Educational Initiatives

  • Financial aid for refugee students to support their continued education and shape their future.

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  • In Progress: A new school in Kashmir, Pakistan, to provide primary education for nearly 400 underprivileged girls.

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  • Currently delivering a four-year educational program for over 1,000 Afghan refugee girls.


  • In Progress: Aiming to provide children with education and resources to break the cycle of poverty through learning.


  • Promoting safety, confidence, and health through self-defence training and fitness activities for refugee girls in their host country.

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  • A nurturing daycare environment for early childhood education, supporting refugee families.

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  • For an overview of all our projects, visit our main initiatives page.

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RGW Education Projects at a Glance

  • Scholarships

    Financial aid for refugee students to support their continued education and shape their future.

  • Kashmir Girls School, Pakistan

    In Progress: A new school in Kashmir, Pakistan, to provide primary education for nearly 400 underprivileged girls.

  • Malawi School, Southeastern Africa

    In Progress: Aiming to provide children with education and resources to break the cycle of poverty through learning.

  • Afghan Refugee Girls School, Pakistan

    Currently delivering a four-year educational program for over 1,000 Afghan refugee girls.

  • Preschool for Refugee Children

    A nurturing daycare environment for early childhood education, supporting refugee families.

  • Refugee Girls Self-Defence Program

    Promoting safety, confidence, and health through self-defence training and fitness activities for refugee girls.

Donate to one of RGW’s educational programs and make a meaningful impact today.

Donate to the RGW Scholarship Fund

Your contribution supports refugee children and youth in pursuing their education in host countries.

Help Build Schools

Support our school-building efforts across Pakistan and Malawi, and help us expand to new areas.

Donate to the RGW Education Fund

Support RGW's diverse educational initiatives. Your contribution will be allocated to where it's needed most.

Discover more RGW projects.

 Over seven million refugee children globally are denied the right to education, according to UN data. Join RGW in our urgent mission to educate and empower these young lives.